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Promoting Workplace Safety, Dynamic Argon Employees Trained for Protection

To promote health and safety in the workplace, Dynamic Argon Co., Ltd., conducted a fire safety training for all employees. The Occupational Health and Safety training was directly provided by Dynamic Argon's General Affairs team, led by Mr. Meas Mela, to ensure that all employees understand how to protect themselves in the event of a fire incident within the company premises.

Named "DAC Fire Drilling," the training took place at the Dynamic Argon head office in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on Friday, September 15, 2023. All employees participated in simulations of evacuating their respective work areas, following markers, and gathering at safe meeting points.

Mr. Budi Lim, the General Manager of Dynamic Argon, emphasized the importance of this training for all employees to ensure everyone's safety.

"The workplace should be a secure and comfortable environment for all employees. Therefore, health and safety procedures are necessary for everyone to prevent any unwanted incidents that could result in casualties. It is crucial to provide safety training to all employees," stated Mr. Budi Lim.

Fire safety training is a part of occupational health that has three primary objectives: (i) maintaining and promoting workers' health and working capacity, (ii) improving the working environment to become conducive to safety and health, and (iii) developing work organizations and cultures that support health and safety at work.


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